Current Tracking

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Day 136, Mile 2237 Home sweet home! Just over 400 miles to go. It seams like it is going fast now. Once again I had the privilege of meeting family and friends at my last resupply. Carla was there to help us say farewell to Oregon and our friends Amy and Jonathan welcomed us to Washington. And of course we were well taken care of. We also enjoyed hiking with Amy for the next four day and 80 miles, time flew. But we sent her off with some pretty sore and blistered feet (sorry Amy). Next stop White Pass. See you all soon.


Sue P said... impressed with you and all your accomplishments...this is a big one! Love 'tracking' you. sue

Raili said...

You're doing so great, and almost done! What day are you projecting you'll finish?

tek9tim said...

Stacia, let me know when you're zeroing in on Stevens Pass, I'll head up and meet you guys!

Stacia Marks said...

tek9tim? ?